Bullet Train Assignment

The Assignment:

Describe what I want my life to be like 10 years from now -- knowing that I can take a bullet train right through the heart of the saboteur to the reality where I'd like to get off.

But if I don’t say where I want to go, the train leaves without me. If I state it too vaguely, I may end up someplace I really don’t want to be. And it departs 45 minutes from now!

Where my bullet train will take me …

• I am happy, joyful and loving.
• I embrace new experiences and celebrate ordinary pleasures.
• I live passionately, unabashedly with openness and vulnerability.
• I enjoy and appreciate good health – with strength and energy to last me 50 more years.
• I’m (still) in love – with my wife: our relationship and emotional intimacy is growing.
• I am a resource and role model to my adult children.
• I am at peace with who I am and with my place in the world.
• I operate fully out of love – not out of fear.
• I live in abundance. There is plenty of whatever I need to do the things I really want. I have a different, enlightened sense of resources such as time, money, talents. I use them wisely but I don’t over think them.
• I have a quiet confidence that the Universe will provide – and it is so.
• We live in a home (or homes) that really speak of our intentions and our values. They relate to nature – woods and water and wildlife. They are not extravagant or wasteful. In this (these) place(s) we enjoy nature, ourselves, one another and also share experiences with family and friends.
• I have rich variety in my life: people, activities, interests, experiences.
• I imagine. I inspire. I empower. I love. I forgive. I celebrate. I create.
• I can communicate the wisdom of this chosen lifestyle in ways that inspire others.
• Through books and speeches, novel concepts and business connections, I am leaving a lasting impact on the world around me.
• I am engaged in meaningful work 80 days per year.
• I am valued and paid for my wisdom rather than just for my skills, knowledge, time or effort.


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