Personal Mission Statement

I embrace life as an active participant and co-creator of the future.

I search for meaning and find meaning in the search.

I am a loving partner and soulmate to Barb. Together we challenge one another to personal growth.

I help prepare my children to become active participants and co-creators of life in their universe. I encourage them to love, to work, to think and to share.

I improve the world by envisioning and working toward a more meaningful society and by supporting causes in line with that vision through my time, talents and treasure.

I act as a financial mentor for others through my planning, earning, saving, giving and stewardship.

I am at my best when I breathe deeply; eat healthfully; exercise my mind and body regularly; love unabashedly; work diligently; seek and speak honestly; and demonstrate appreciation for “the sacred” in the Divine, in others, and in myself.


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